My training
I have a university diploma in Couple Counselling (HES) certified and validated by Couple + / FRTSCC (Fédération Romande et Tessinoise des Service de Consultation Conjugale). I’m trained in the psychological approach to couple therapy.
As a couple counsellor, I work primarily with psychodynamic and systemic approaches.
I am a member of the ACTC (Association of Couple Counsellors) and I fulfill the requirements for having a private practice (continuing education, supervision, code of ethics).
My work is regularly supervised and I’m involved in ongoing professional training in order to guarantee that my practice remains up to date.
Having obtained a degree in Humanities and Social Sciences (Faculty of Theology, Lausanne ), I spent several years working in pastoral care before training in person-centered therapy (Carl Rogers’ approach), in marriage counselling and couple therapy. I’m currently training in the psychoanalytical approach to the family and sexology.
I continue to attend ongoing education, specifically for relationships between couples, families and especially on sexuality issues, parenthood guidance, separation and co-parenting.
Courses attended
DAS en Conseil Conjugal
2008-2011HES SO (Haute école de Travail Social) Genève
CAS en Psychanalyse et psychopathologie clinique
2012-2014Université de Lausanne
Formation à la thérapie psychanalytique de couple et de famille
2015-2017Fondation de Nant, Vevey
CAS en sexologie clinique
2017-2019Université de Genève
Formation en psychosexologie d’orientation sexoanalytique
2015-2016Ecole suisse de sexoanalyse – IIS
Formation en coaching parental
2014-2015Guidance lors des situations de séparations conflictuelles, IECF
Formations continues
Formation à la relation d'aide centrée sur la personne
2003-2005Société suisse pour l'approche centrée sur la personne
Licence en Théologie
1992-1997Université de Lausanne
Thérapeute de couple et de famille, sexologue indépendante
Depuis 2011Vevey
Consultante de couple et sexologue clinicienne au Service de Consultation de couple et de sexologie de PROFA
Depuis 2017Vevey
Conseillère conjugale et thérapeute de couple pour le Service de Consultation de couple et Guidance parentale de Caritas
2008 - 2011Lausanne
Pasteure au sein de l’EERV
Professional associations
Depuis 2011Association des Conseillères et conseillers conjugaux Thérapeutes de couple, Suisse romande
Depuis 2018Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne, membre en formation
Depuis 2021Association Suisse des Psychologues Sexologues, membre extraordinaire (non psychologue)
Children are only included in sessions when the issues involve the whole familiy. For couple’s therapy it is best that the session be exclusively reserved for the couple.
Couple counselling is a psychological process that strives to resolve relationship difficulties. Dialoging in a confidential and neutral place eases conflict resolution, before or after separation.
Mediation is a process of negotiation that generally addresses couples that have decided to separate. The objective is to organise the future, reaching a long-lasting and acceptable agreement concerning the issues of separation : living arrangements, financial issues, divorce procedures, parental authority, child support and visiting rights.
Yes, couple therapy will help you to better clarify your decision. Discussing your separation will help you to:
- make this decision in a more thoughtful manner
- better address the issues of separation: living arrangements, financial issues, divorce procedures, parental authority, child support and visiting rights.
- Individual and couple sessions : 150.- for 60’
Sessions are held outside normal workday hours. It’s possible to make an appointment early in the morning, at lunch time or after work.